Sunday, February 10, 2008


Today was one of those days that I imagined in my head it would be like having 3 children. It started out with Hayley getting up earlier than usual and she found me laying on the guest bed in Riley's room (I had fallen asleep there after getting up what seemed like at least 20 times to put the paci back in the mouth.) LOVE IT when that happens. I wake up and feel like I didn't even sleep since I am on top of the comforter and not in my own bed. So I take her back to her room and go down to Riley crying in daddy's arms needing to be fed. (Riley, not daddy) : ) Hayley comes back down as I'm feeding Riley and hangs out with me as I get ready for church. She complains of a tummy ache and I respond every time with, "I'm sure your pretty hungry. It will feel better after you eat." So I make her breakfast, still complains of tummy ache. Says, "Mommy, I have to stay home from church b/c I'm going to throw up." I say, "Noooo, you're fine! We're going to church." We get to church (all 3 kids in coordinating outfits---not typical for me to do but made me want to do more of it--they were so cute!) While sitting on floor w/ Hayley putting her shoes on the right feet : ) she starts to whimper, "If I go to my class I'm going to throw up!" At that point I start to panic. This girl LOVES going to class at church, school, wherever. You don't have to bribe her to go places. I say, "I'm sure you're going to be okay. You'll be fine! (Big smile on my face trying to cover up concern.)" So she goes. We make it through w/o being paged, get in car and head home. And then it happened. For the FOURTH time in her life she threw up in the car. So it's chaos from there for what seemed like the rest of the day. We get home, get 2 clean kids in house, transfer H from car to garage, strip down to take to bath, Riley's screaming at this point, Jack's hungry, Tra's cleaning out car seat/car. CHAOS. So we get everyone situated finally--things are going better. Hayley feels better, is up playing acting FINE, she and Jack take off around the corner and go upstairs (so I thought.) Tra had gone to get the car washed and cleaned out, Riley swinging, I'm eating lunch (finally) talking to my mom on the phone. After a few minutes I head upstairs to check on them and I hear them in my bathroom. So I go in and they are standing in the shower---Hayley has my little pair of scissors in her hand and you can imagine it isn't pretty. Thankfully she didn't think to cut her OWN hair---but she did decide to cut her brother's hair. Lots of hair---chunks in the shower floor, shirt covered in hair. It actually doesn' t look too bad and we're considering having her cut it on a regular basis. : ) Ohhhhh boy. The day ended with Riley crying if she wasn't being held from 5-9 and Hayley again complaining about her stomach and at 9:00 I headed out to the store for my weekly run and actually enjoyed the quiet time in the car and walking around for an hour by myself.

And if you're still reading---(didn't mean for this to be so long!) I guess you need crazy days like this to fully appreciate the days that are semi-normal. What a joy to have these crazy days though. I wouldn't trade them for anything! (Well--- maybe a spa-day) : )


Heather said...

Whew is right! You did have quite a day! I put all the scissors in the house up for a few years after Gracie cut her own hair to be sure she didn't attempt that again. I hope today is better!! :)

Naomi said...

Wow! Sounds rough! Luckily Tra was there to help out. Trying to clean out vomit from a car and carseat is a big pain!

Hope things are better today! Your kiddos are growing up fast!

I can't believe you didn't want to take the kids with you to the store. JK! I avoid that at all cost.

Chesley said...

I know you didn't write this but I would have done what Tra did with the car seat! Smart guy that Tra!

Hope H is feeling better. I had one of those mornings at the mall. I couldn't wait for nap time!

daughteroftheking said...

So sorry to hear about your day! When I read the part about the scissors I thought oh no she cut her curls!! Not that it's ok for her to cut little Jacks hair but I think it's harder to recover a little girls hair. Faith cut her hair when she was about 4. She gave herself a mullit on one side. Oh the joys of motherhood!

Kendra said...

I'm so sorry . . but thanks for the laugh! That's a great day to have documented not only for you to look back on, but for your kids!! Wow. Gotta love the puke in the car seat / car. Ok, no, you really don't have to!! ICK. Hope everyone else stayed well!!!

Calista said...

Man I'm tired just reading about your day. It seems like it takes 3 days to recover from one of those types of days. I hope your week gets better.

angela said...

Awww... the joys of motherhood.

Kylie said...

It's good to hear that you are in good spirits.....I'm not sure I would be! Hope everyone is feeling better....including Mommy! Love your stories!