Friday, June 23, 2006

My First Nephew!

Tonight is the last night Dwight and Tara will be sleeping in their house alone! She is having a C-section in the morning at 7:30. It's crazy how anxious I am about it and it's not me going through it. What joy these sweet babies bring into our lives.

My little Jack is 5 months old today. It's hard to believe he is out of the itty bitty baby stage and moving on to becoming his own little person. He smiles most of the time and loves to play in his exersaucer. He loves to be held---not just by me but by anyone who is breathing. He also loves remote controls, cell phones, anything electronic. Such a little boy for ya. I can't wait to see him and his little cousin play together soon! I'll post ASAP about the arrival of sweet baby Scout!


Chesley said...

It makes me teary to think of Jack growing up. It's gone really fast to me! I just love him so much and Hayley too for that matter. I can't wait to hear about Scout!