Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Real Deal. . .

Donna Willbanks + Old Navy pj's = Fun times on Christmas Eve!! SANTA is coming TONIGHT?

If this guy doesn't make you believe there is a Santa, I don't know who will. I have had several times since we saw this guy in Southlake that I've thought, "Maybe Santa IS real!?" : )

Kids just make Christmas too much fun. Even at this age where they still don't REALLY get it.

I missed being with my family in Austin this year, but the Lord has blessed me---truly BLESSED me---with the greatest in-laws on the planet. I love being with Tra's family. I seriously feel like I belong with them as much as I belong to my own family. That's such a great feeling!

Next Christmas will be wild---instead of just Hayley we will add 3 more kiddos to the fam. Jack and his 2 cousins! We can't WAIT!!!!!


jettybetty said...

Hayley is sooo cute!
Did she get matching Old Navy jammies, too! That is a great idea!

christine pinson said...

oh those pictures are precious...i love the one of hayley in her pjs...those blue eyes!
i hope you are feeling well, we can't wait for baby jack's debut

Brooks Inc. said...


What a beautiful family! I am so glad Christmas was wonderful for you all! Blessings on you all as you begin this new year!