Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all!!

Here are a few pictures I got at the pumpkin patch last week. It was a CRAZY trip and definitely a blog-worthy post. The bottom line: me (keep in mind I'm pregnant and look more pregnant than I actually am), THREE kids, one wagon, a million other people/kids, and LOTS OF BEES!!! Hayley got stung recently at home and broke out in hives and stuff, so we were all a little more freaked out than usual about them. I was meeting one of my roommates from college and her kids and I don't think we had a conversation the whole time. It was nuts. At one point H and J had gone through a bounce house and I couldn't FIND THEM for about 5 minutes. (seemed like 50) 

After we sat down to unpack our lunches and Jack was grabbing his ears screaming and running away from the table, Hayley was screaming, bees getting on our food and in the wagon with Riley, I made the impulsive decision to load up the car and go back home. (Sorry, R, for the craziness!!)  I was holding Jack, pulling the wagon and RUNNING back to our car to escape the bees. Hilarious. You'd never know from these pictures how crazy it was!


Katie said...

Cute pictures! the one of haley is so pretty! and yes, i joined the blog-world. =) have a great week, shelma!

Kendra said...

This made me giggle . . .how many pictures from that pumpkin patch do I have that look so sweet, but have a different story to tell if there had been a movie of the outing! ha! We haven't gone this year, and the bees (and school schedules) were a part of that choice! I'm just too old and too tired! ha!

Heather said... the pics even though it sounds like a crazy trip! Hope you are feeling well!

Monica said...

Seriously those bees are NO good. That is one of the main reasons I didn't go out there this year. It is such a fun place. I think I would have packed up in left even if I wasn't pregnant. : )You had a good story though.