Okay--I've been tagged TWICE so I feel like I need to suck it up and answer the questions.
First memory - We lived in Hope, Arkansas for 11 months when I was 2. My friend Shannon (who lived across the street) and I were standing on something in her room trying SO hard to reach the light switch. Her brother, Jack, ran in yelling, "The Sno-Cone man is here!!!" So we all ran outside and I got a Watermelon sno-cone. Not sure if we ever mastered the light switch.
First real kiss - Brent Glazener my sophomore year of high school.
First concert - Amy Grant/Michael W. Smith in 5th or 6th grade?? Or it COULD have been NKOTB in 7th grade. My friend Tami's mom (who died of alzheimer's a couple of years ago) drove us around afterwards to see if we could find their hotel. It was before cell phones and I remember stopping at Whataburger calling my parents LATE and telling them we were okay and on our way home. It was the coolest night. I seriously thought we'd find them and that I'd get to hang out w/ Joey and that he would want me to be his girlfriend. :)
First love - Good ole' Brent Glazener. We "dated" on and off from 7th-10th grades. Lots of break ups and then getting back together. We communicated soley by note writing our whole 7th grade year. I'm not kidding, I don't think we said 10 words to each other. So we were girlfriend/boyfriend but you would never know it! I had a shoebox of all our notes from all 4 years on/off together. We actually did progress to talking eventually and had lots of marathon phone conversations in the wee hours of the night. I would get in trouble when I got "caught." Ooohhhh, what a rebel I was! We ended up being such great friends even after high school and kept in touch. He, very sadly, died the summer of 1999 from an asthma attack. : ( I still miss him, in a brotherly kind of way. But I'm looking forward to catching up in heaven!!
First crush - Scott Trussell. I was in Kindergarten and he was in 1st grade. I would see him on the playground. He had blonde hair and his 2 front teeth were missing. My comment to my mom was, "He's SO cute, mom. He looks like a jack-o-lantern!"
First thing you think in the morning - "OUCH!" after Tra kicks me to turn off my alarm.
First book you remember loving - Are You My Mother? (as a toddler) The Babysitters Club books as a teenager.
First pet - Mary the tadpole who turned into a frog! We got her through the mail somehow. My sister had one first, so I guess technically Harry would be my first pet. Yes, she named hers Harry and my genius, creative mind came up with Mary for my frog.
First question you'll ask in heaven - "Where's my grandma???" I can't WAIT to see her again!
First thing you think of when you hear the word vacation - eating wedding cake on the beach (only those in the Honeymooners class and family will get that)
First best friend - My sister, Angie. We LOVED each other and my childhood is chalked full of memories with the 2 of us playing in our toy room, riding big wheels, skating w/ knee pads on, riding bikes, the list could go on and on. . .
Last time you dressed up - Maci Miller's wedding
Last thing you ate - a clementine (orange)
Last CD you bought - a worship cd for my kids in the car.
Last good book you read - Still reading "Intercessory Prayer" by Dutch Sheets. AMAZING.
Last time you cried - this afternoon. Long story short, I ADORE my dad.
Last time you told someone you loved them - putting Hayley down for a nap after several "GO TO SLEEPs".
Last really funny thing you did - It's more silly than funny, but I got a piece of scotch tape and taped my nose and attached it to my forehead so I had a "pig nose" and made my kids crack up. Anything for a good laugh over here! : )
Last thing you watched on TV - Little Einsteins
I tag Angie---I better be your first best friend! : )
Friday, June 29, 2007
I've been tagged. . .
Posted by Shelly at 3:47 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I wanted to get these 2 things written down so I can have them to remember. I love this age with Hayley! She makes me laugh quite often. Last night I was putting her to bed and we were talking about going to see Mimi and Poppy today to give them hugs bye-bye b/c they are going to get on an airplane and they're going to be gone for a long time. I said, "They're going to Europe. Can you say Europe?" She looked at me with a confused look and with frustration in her voice she goes, "I'm not up." I then looked at her confused until I understood what she heard me say---then I cracked up laughing! I said, "Nooo, not you're up, the name of the place they are going is Europe!" And again she replied with serious irritation, "I'm NOT UP!!" What a crack up! So I left it with Mimi and Poppy going on an airplane for a long time.
This was one day last week. She dressed herself w/ her hoop skirt (that goes under her dress up princess dress), she got her mittens, her purple hat that matched (a little too small), and "my purple shoes that match my hat and mittens!" (the shoes are WAY too small!!) She was so proud of herself! : )
Posted by Shelly at 10:06 AM 9 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
And He's Off. . .
So proud of himself! He kept saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" Walking like a pro!!
Proud big sister
Posted by Shelly at 10:44 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Updates, etc
Okay, all of my pregnant AND pregnant-to-be friends! Look who is now carrying maternity!
Tara sent this to me yesterday and I had to share! And for anyone else like me who didn't know that Nordstrom had maternity on the internet only, they DO! Not that I will be doing all of my shopping for clothes at these places. The favorites remain Target, Old Navy and Motherhood/Mimi. But for that special occasion it's nice to have some OPTIONS!
We have started swimming lessons this week! Hayley's class is first, then we have a 30 minute break, then Jack's class with mommy! They are both doing great, although Jack prefers the group singing/movement more than the "unstructured playtime." He has been a STINKER! Lots of screaming and fussing until we start going around in a circle as a group and singing songs and suddenly he's laughing and having fun. Too funny. I'm worn out and it's only the third day! (out of 8) I can already tell they are going to be so helpful, especially for Hayley.
Tra and I got to go out of town last Thursday-Sunday by OURSELVES! It was such a great weekend. We went to this place outside of Amarillo called The Hideaway Experience. We heard about it at a marriage conference we attended eariler this year. We went out to meet with the owners to find out more about the place and to have a couple of days of rest/relaxation/GREAT FOOD! Two other couples from our church also went out to meet the owners b/c they are going to be counselors up there this month for a marriage intensive program. Tra wants to provide this as an option for employees where he works to be able to go and work on their marriages. From the moment we arrived it felt like we were with family all weekend! We had such a great time getting to know everyone and gaining LOTS of wisdom/insight on our spiritual lives, our marriage, and our parenting. We were supposed to go out on Thursday but there was some miscommunication so we ended up getting to go to a hotel here Thursday night anyway and having Thursday and most of Friday to ourselves. It was such a wonderful time to be together and to have a break from our jobs. Our kids stayed with my mom here the first night and with his parents the rest of the time. They were happy to see us, but Sunday night Hayley asked me if I could go get back on the airplane. What a blessing for them to get such great time with grandparents! It's always hard to leave, but every time we do I'm SOOOO glad! For all of us!
Posted by Shelly at 7:38 AM 5 comments
Thursday, June 07, 2007
A Big Day!
Guess who took his first steps today with Nana when mom was getting her haircut??? My baby boy is growing up! It's funny that I've wanted him to walk soooo badly but watching him take those steps today my heart kind of sank. But then I was REALLY excited! It'll be a little while before he's off and running, but not too much longer at all! Way to go, Jack! We're so proud of you!
Posted by Shelly at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Summer Fun
I love summer time! We've been to the zoo a couple of times, played in the water outside, gone swimming w/ friends, and it's only the first week of June! Lots more fun to have. Here are some pictures of Hayley and Jack having fun in the sun! Skinny dippin at the lake w/ Scout!
Jack looking cool w/ Hayley's sunglasses
First time to ride the train at the zoo. They're having more fun than it looks like they are!Playing outside in our cool "ring-o-water"
Looking at the fish at the zoo
Posted by Shelly at 7:58 AM 4 comments