Monday, September 19, 2005

It's a BOY!!!

This past Friday we had our sonogram that revealed very clearly that we will be having a baby boy this January. : ) We are both soooo excited! His name is John D Willbanks IV and he will go by Jack. It's so hard to believe that we are really having our second child. It's becoming easier to believe with each passing day as my stomach grows bigger and bigger.

Tra and I have planned a trip to the Bahamas for the end of the month. We are scheduled to leave next Wednesday morning and return that Sunday evening. Hayley will not be joining us. She is staying here with my mom Wed.-Sat. morning and with Tra's parents Sat. night until we get back. I will admit, I'm not quite ready deep down for this step yet. It seems like and eternity to leave her when I've only been away from her one night in her entire life so far. (That would be 1 year) I know she will be fine and in the best hands aside from my own, but there is a part of me that worries about her. I just don't want her to feel really sad. She'll probably have a great time with Nana, Poppy and Mimi and hardly realize I'm gone and I"LL be the one who is sad. : ) I'm praying that God will grant me peace in the depths of my heart when I leave and that I'll be able to truly enjoy this precious time with Tra all by myself. We have only been on 3 trips by ourselves since we've been married 4 years ago. Our honeymoon, a weekend in Vegas, and a weekend in Austin. We've gone on some bigger trips with our friends Cody and Chesley that have been a blast and we LOVE traveling with them. So I'm looking forward to getting to be just the 2 of us. That hurricane is right over the Bahamas right now and they said more are in store, so that makes me slightly nervous as well. Maybe hurricane season wasn't the best time to plan this trip. : ) I'm also praying that God will reveal to us before we go if we should cancel the trip for any reason---like a hurricane. I'm hoping once I get past this step of leaving her for the first time for several days, that it will be easier in the future if we do this again. Although I'm not sure even the grandparents will be up for keeping TWO at a time until they are both potty trained and able to pick up after themselves. : ) We'll see.

Thank you God, for the blessing of Tra and that he wants to spend this time with me, and that he is healthy feeling so good! Thank you also for the precious gift of our sweet Hayley who you love even more than we do, and for our precious son that you are knitting together in my womb this very second. I'm overwhelmed by your goodness and faithfulness, but most of all by your LOVE. How were you able to go through with it??? Thank you for the sacrifice of YOUR ONLY son so that my sins are wiped clear away and I may rest in you for eternity. I love you---


jettybetty said...

I really don't understand how God was able to let HIS son die for me either--just don't get it--doubt I ever will--but I believe it--and am thankful for it!

A boy is so exciting! Have you heard the stories about a boy and his mom--you are about to find out how true they are!

I hope you get to take your trip--I think time away as a couple is very important! I am so thankful that Tra is feeling so good!

I saw you after class last night and probably should have said something to you--but my hubbie was saying something and I didn't think it was a good time to shut him down.


christine pinson said...

we are so excited for you...those little boys steal your hearts, so watch out! and jack...we like that name!
what a blessing that you get to have some time together...we will pray for your safety and for peace as you are away from sweet Hayley

Summer said...

I am so happy for you too! I can't wait to meet precious little Jack. I saw Hayley at church on Sunday with Johnny and my first thought was, I wonder if Jack will have as much hair as his sister? She is such a sweet girl. I hope that you had a wonderfully relaxing, rejuvinating vacation with Tra! You two deserved it. We have been praying for safe travels. I think that you're home tonight. What a joyful reunion I bet you had with Hayley girl! Can't wait to hear from you.
I guess it's obvious that I am blogging again! I took a hiatus, but I'm back. . .

bigshoulders said...

stumbled on your 'blog through a common thread: BSF. what a blessing children are. i hope to experience that one day as well. God Bless.
